What you will need for class?
Arrive hydrated, we recommend you drink 2 liters of water over the 2-3 hours before your class begins. We recommend that you don’t eat in the 2-3 hours before your practice.
You will need a yoga mat, 2 large towels (one for your practice the second for a shower) . We recommend you bring your own, otherwise we can rent these to you at a charge of £2 per item.
We recommend you have water to take throughout the class, this can either be purchased from us or you can fill your water bottle at the studio.
Bricks and straps are available at no charge, but you are welcome to bring your own if you wish.
How hot are our classes?
We heat the room aiming to reach 38C, however depending on the day or class size it may vary either side of this.
What should I wear?
Wear comfortable clothing which is lightweight and allows you to move freely, we do not recommend jogging pants or anything too big or baggy - as this can lead to you feeling even hotter!!
What should I do before I come to class?
Arrive hydrated, we recommend you drink 2 litres of water over the 2-3 hours before your class begins. We recommend that you don’t eat in the 2-3 hours before your practice.
You should arrive 15 minutes before class so we can give you an orientation and also allow you 10 minutes to enter the room prior to the class to acclimatise to the heat.
How fit or flexible do I need to be to start classes?
You don't have to be either to begin, if it is your aim to become either fitter or more flexible then we suggest you get started straight away - our aim is to help you achieve your goal. The classes are designed to work to your body type or level.
What if I’m working with an injury?
If you are working with an injury or any other health condition, first you must consult your doctor or other qualified expert that it is safe for you to practice. Once you have been given the all clear then please inform the teacher before your class so they are aware, they may be able to offer you modifications to help you, if appropriate. Hot yoga can help with the rehab of some injuries but we recommend you listen to your body as well as your physician, if a posture does not feel right then you should stop immediately.
Do I need to check in if I have booked online?
Yes, please inform the reception team at the front desk when you arrive, for your health and safety we need to know who is in the building in case of an emergency.
What if I’m running late for class?
If it is your first class we do not recommend you arrive late, this allows the teacher to learn it is your first time and also to talk you through how to manage your class. Please allow 15 minutes before the class start time.
Other than your first time we understand that issues can happen and allow entry 10 minutes from the start of the class. If you are late frequently we will not allow you entry, we can sympathise on the odd occasion, we are also mindful of the students who have started their practice and do not wish to be disrupted from their own meditation.
What is the etiquette to follow in the studio?
Please do not talk in the studio, this is a quiet space to allow you to switch off and tune in to the practice that will follow. If you come with a friend and wish to catch up we have social areas where you can socialise.
Mobiles are not allowed in the studio, it is a time for you Re;Connect to yourself and disconnect from distractions.
Filming of yourself either before, during or after your class is strictly prohibited. Although we understand you may want to share your experience with friends or followers, we respect that many people do not wish to be filmed.
Only leave the class when the teacher has said it is time to do so, your movement can be disruptive to others around you and we ask you consider the experience of your fellow yogi’s.
When leaving please tip-toe and do not talk, be mindful of those who wish to take a longer meditation or savasana.